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Let's Connect With Your Guardian Angels with Bhavna's Golden Light Method

Discover life-changing transformation in our Spiritual Mastermind 90-Day Program. Led by a seasoned spiritual guide, participants engage in eight live classes with the guidance of eight powerful archangels. From protection to love, money, healing, and purpose, each session offers tailored support for personal growth.

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Experience a Transformational Journey with the Spiritual Mastermind with Bhavna's Golden Light Method

Step into a life-changing adventure with Spiritual Mastermind, a 90-day program guided by a trusted spiritual mentor, Bhavna's Golden Light Method. Over the course of eight live sessions, you'll dive deep into personal growth and empowerment.

What makes Spiritual Mastermind special? We're bringing in not one, but eight powerful archangels to join us on this journey. From Archangel Michael to Gabriel, Raphael to Metatron, and more, these heavenly helpers will walk alongside you, offering guidance and support in different areas of your life.

Throughout the program, we'll tackle a variety of topics, like love, money, healing, and finding your purpose. Each session will focus on shifting and improving different parts of your life, giving you a well-rounded transformation experience.

What's unique about this program is that the archangels will be with you every step of the way. They won't just pop in and out; they'll stick by your side for the full 90 days, providing guidance and encouragement as you navigate life's ups and downs.

Are you ready to unlock your spiritual potential?

Join us in Spiritual Mastermind and discover the messages hidden in the numbers you've been seeing, whether it's 111, 222, 333, or more. Let's embark on this journey together and make positive changes in your life. Sign up now and let the transformation begin.

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Read My Spiritual Journey

Bhavna's journey as the Golden Light began on December 21, 2012, amidst witnesses in Westborough, Massachusetts. Since then, she has dedicated herself to spreading love, light, and healing globally, guiding over 50,000 individuals on paths of self-discovery and empowerment. Her mission is to foster happiness, peace, and fulfillment while supporting philanthropic causes for a brighter future. As a beacon of hope and inspiration, Bhavna's gentle yet powerful approach leaves a lasting impact on hearts and souls worldwide.

My Mission

  • Foster a supportive community dedicated to bridging the gap between where we are and where we aspire to be.

  • Challenge limits and empower growth, enabling individuals to fulfill bigger promises and aspirations.

  • Guide participants in exploring purpose, breaking barriers, and stepping into their next level of growth and fulfillment.


Spiritual Mastermind

In this 90-day program led by Bhavna, The Golden Light, participants embark on a transformative journey. With approximately eight live classes, they'll work alongside eight archangels, exploring aspects of life from love to purpose. These celestial guides remain with participants throughout, ensuring a powerful experience. Join Bhavna as they unlock the messages hidden in synchronicities and guide you towards empowerment and self-discovery.

Sign Up Now

Here's What You Get

Live Classes

Conducted live classes every other week and 3 pre-recorded classes, designed to offer real-time guidance to help your journey towards financial growth and abundance.

Monthly Meditations

A meditation for you done by tuned into you by connecting with the energies of the month for you to feel better everyday so you do not feel stressed or overwhelmed.

Accountability Call

You'll receive biweekly 15-minute accountability calls for staying on track, mindset shifts, overcoming obstacles, or completing classes.

Private Sessions

You receive 1 sessions one on one with Bhavna. They can be coaching sessions or healing sessions depending on what you would like to focus on.

    This is for you if...

  • You're ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

  • You feel a deep yearning to connect with your guardian angels and receive their guidance.

  • You're seeking clarity, direction, and support on your spiritual path.

This is NOT for you if...

  • You're looking for quick fixes or instant results without putting in the effort.

  • You're skeptical about the existence of guardian angels or the power of divine guidance.

  • You're not open to exploring spirituality or connecting with guardian angels.

Benefits of joining

  • Embrace Divine Support and Protection

  • Discover Angelic Advice

  • Strengthen Your Bond with Your Angel

  • Understand Angelic Communication

  • Connect Directly with Your Guardian

In the Spiritual Mastermind, we will be covering

Learn to connect

to your light

Bhavna helps you to connect with your soul light know what is your soul light and connect with it. During the course of the program she will make you connect and feel your light and teach you how to work with it.

Living consciously

Living consciously is about taking control of your life, about thinking about your decisions rather than making them without thought, about having a life that we want rather than settling for the one that befalls us. If you're drifting through life, or feel out of control, or don't know how you got here. This program helps you out to understand and navigate.

Light language activation

During the course of the year in the light classes she will be doing light language activation which is the language of your souls and your soul understands that language and the universe she will be bringing in and activating codes with lights and language of the soul to help you move forward for your journey.

Soul codes

Bhavna will be working with your soul codes and shifting things, which are not in alignment with your soul purpose, clearing it and bringing in your divine soul codes to help you move forward.

Soul purpose work

Understanding what your work is, soul purpose work and bringing energies to start moving to the next level in that work. Whether you are already doing that work or not started yet, helping you move to that.

Reawaken yourself

It is learning your uniqueness and unique gifts of who you are and Bhavna brings them to you. With your unique gifts, you can shift and transform the world with the work you do. And this is the most important piece in Shining Your Light, just like Bhavna’s purpose started when she became the Golden Light. She strives to make people that they need to reawaken themselves, sometimes they cannot so she helps you reawaken you to who you are and your divinity.

Energy Downloads From Ascending Masters

Working masters like Jesus, Mother Mary, Gautama Buddha, Prophet Muhammad, Mother Teresa. And entrepreneurs like Walt Disney and Hershey. We will have channeling sessions with them to shift you energetically. information will be given depending on your work. The codes from them will be put on your matrix and energy feels.

Be a changemaker and thought leader

Bhavna will shift your thoughts to be more courageous and confident. Releasing all your fears and feelings of being stuck or frozen but energies to uplift and move you forward and being a compassionate yet strong powerful leader and somebody who attracts their tribe energetically.

During the classes there will be a lot of clearings that will happen and shifting at the soul level, in your physical body and a lot of releasing happening from your life of energies of trauma and replaces soul light energies, and soul light purpose energies and they will be activated. Energies from ascending masters like Gandhi will be brought in.

Receive Guidance with the 8 Archangels

Archangel Michael

-Protection and Courage

-Clearing Negativity

-Strength and Confidence

-Guidance in Life Purpose

Archangel Gabriel

-Communication and Expression

-Creative Inspiration

-Guidance in Parenting and Childbirth

-Support in Career and Life Transitions

Archangel Raphael

-Healing of Body, Mind, and Spirit

-Guidance in Health and Wellness

-Emotional Healing and Release

-Protection during Travel

Archangel Uriel

-Wisdom and Illumination

-Clarity of Mind

-Insightful Solutions to Problems

-Support in Studying and Learning

Archangel Jophiel

-Beauty and Joy

-Spiritual Upliftment

-Positive Perspective

-Creative Inspiration and Ideas

Archangel Zadkiel

-Forgiveness and Mercy

-Emotional Healing and Release of Resentment

-Mental Clarity and Memory Enhancement

-Spiritual Transformation

Archangel Chamuel

-Love and Compassion

-Relationship Healing and Harmony

-Self-love and Acceptance

-Finding Lost Items or Relationships

Archangel Ariel

-Prosperity and Abundance

-Environmental Healing Connection with Nature

-Support in Animal Welfare and Conservation

What are the bonuses?

BONUS #1: Curse Clearing

BONUS #2: Shifting From 3D to 5D

BONUS #3: Insert bonus here

Book Your Call Now To Learn More About It's Pricing

Book Free Discovery Call

A testimonial I got from my client that he was generating $1500 per month and has become a billionaire now. He has his own firm and works with several companies, generating a lot of money when they proceeded with this program with me individually. I began to shift their money story and the worries they had about money, as well as allowing money into their lives.

So the money myths that individuals have in their heads are about not having money and how they they will bring in their life so we're going to shift that.

Come with an open mind to learn and release, as well as to witness how an unique, one-of-a-kind approach might transform their ideas. We will work on three levels: the soul, the core, and the mind. We shall channel that energy into the physical world from the level of the mind.

See you soon!

Love and peace,

Bhavna, The Golden Light

Want to join but not quite ready yet?

Call us now at +1 (774) 242-2112 or book your free discovery call on our appointment calendar!

Book Free Discovery Call

    Our Client's Success Stories

    These are some of my clients I have worked with personally and have helped them in their life issues.

    “When I started the Abundance class I was financially unstable. Every month after I started to see changes. For example, I received rental assistance for two months, free brand new beds and bedding, and acquaintances reconnecting to gift me money. My biggest breakthrough was after completing the abundance class, I got offered a full-time nanny position. I'm so happy and optimistic about the future! I highly recommend this class to anyone who has financial woes...”


    "I saw my whole vibration shift. I am in a completely different space for the first time in my life. Like I feel like I can really allow abundance and wealth and every kind of prosperity into myself. And that I don't have to beg for love…and I don't have to shift myself to be anything else. I feel like I'm really in myself and in my power, and that abundance is coming towards me and that love is flowing through me, and that I can just go after my dreams and what my purpose that's really here on this earth…”


    When I started the Abundance class I was financially unstable. Every month after I started to see changes. For example, I received rental assistance for two months, free brand new beds and bedding, and acquaintances reconnecting to gift me money. My biggest breakthrough was after completing the abundance class, I got offered a full-time nanny position. I'm so happy and optimistic about the future! I highly recommend this class to anyone who has financial woes.


    First of all Bhavna is so calming easy to work with and man can she change the stories we repeat over and over! Just did a grounding exercise one( being a creative genius ) I sure need this.’, making us more aware calm and clear and it sure worked! Then when she works on physical symptoms what a help from breaking my right shoulder big time to tummy discomfort! I strongly recommend her for a variety of healing expert experiences.


    Read more testimonials here

© 2024 Bhavna, The Golden Light | 508-970-5620 (Office) | 774-242-2112 (Cell) | [email protected]  | Privacy Policy 

Disclaimer - These classes are not a replacement for traditional medicine. It is a holistic healing therapy. Please always check with your doctor before changing or stopping your medications.

IMP Notice - Once paid, prices are non- refundable; You have one year to reschedule an appointment.

Cancellations for Coaching Calls - 24 hours notice before the booked schedule.

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